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Does anyone know where January went?

Here we are on the 31st of January already! The first month of 2017 really seems to have flown past. So that's why I'm asking if anyone knows where January went?

There can only be two explanations, either;

1. I'm getting old

(because I've been told that time goes past quicker the older you get)


2. There's been a lot of fun things happening in January

(because there's a great saying "time flies when you're having fun!")

I'm going to stick with the second option because it couldn't possibly be that I'm getting old :)

We've certainly enjoyed the clubs in January. After learning all about Jesus birth in November and December we started this year thinking about Jesus life. The stories we've heard so far have included Jesus visiting Jerusalem when he was 12 years old, then when he was around 30 years old how he asked his disciples to follow him.

We also found out about one night when Jesus was on a boat with his disciples. A big storm arrived and the disciples thought the boat was going to sink. Jesus was able to tell the wind and waves to stop so the everyone on the boat got safely across the sea.

There were some wonderful efforts when we tried to design sailing ships

The Bible verse on the boat is part of Psalm 93 verse 4

"The Lord is mightier than the mighty waves of the sea"

The Lord Jesus got his disciples safely across the sea. The Bible tells us he can get us safely to Heaven if we make the choice to believe in him. The memory verse we are learning just now is John chapter 3 verse 16. It's amazing to see how quickly the children can memorise things and they've done a great job so far. Hopefully by the mid term break they'll all know the whole verse.

As January ends we're getting reading for a fantastic February full of exciting activities. We'll be off during the mid term break from Friday 10th to Wednesday 15th February but through the rest of the month we'll continue to find out about the life of the Lord Jesus.

Look out for details of an Awesome Easter Klub taking place during the Easter holidays - full information will be available shortly and advance details will be given out at the After School Klubs so you can book your child's place.

If you have any questions about this post, have any general questions about the Bible or just would like to have a chat about what the message of the Bible means for your life then feel free to get in touch

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